Feature Posts

Feature Posts, Smoothies

Island Troprical Smoothie

Read Time: 3-5 minutes  You would never guess that this combination of fruit would taste so well together. I dare you to try it out and see how you like it!  In this recipe you will need… Frozen mango Frozen banana 1 kiwi A small handful of honeydew Two handfuls of strawberries 1/2 cup of […]

Feature Posts, Lunch

Easy Kale Bite Salad

Read Time: 5-8 minutes There are so many ways to make a salad fun and flavorful. And sometimes one salad can take more preparation than another. But! You are in luck because this salad recipe will leave you super satisfied in flavor AND takes twice as less work. A definite soon to be on your […]

Breakfast, Feature Posts

A Homestyle Breakfast for the Family

Read Time: 4-5 Minutes This one sure is a keeper for everyone in the family to enjoy!  This homestyle recipe with oven baked golden potatoes and a veggie egg frittata will DEFINITELY be on the list of family favorites.  Chop, season, whisk, then bake. It can’t get any simpler than that when it comes to making […]

Breakfast, Feature Posts

Much More Than Avocado Toast!

Food that you can literally find at your local grocery store that won’t burn a hole in your pocket.  This. Amazing. Recipe can be eaten at anytime of day! Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner… and if your like me for a snack! This became a constant go-to especially over quarantine. No energy needed! Just plop a healthy […]