Easy Egg Croissant Sandwich

Read Time: 5-7 mins

You GUYS! This breakfast sandwich is on another level. Buttery, flakey, warm, and soft…I just can not get over it. 

Obviously this breakfast meal it is a bit more calorie heavy so moderation is KEY!

Now from the title of this recipe you are probably here because you saw the word ‘easy’… and guess what, you have come to the right place. 

Get ready because you are about to make an awesome sandwich that combines so well in flavor!


Here is what you’ll need…

  • Fresh croissant bread
  • Organic spinach (or mixed greens) 
  • Organic tomato
  • Organic mushrooms
  • 1 Free range egg
  • Avocado (optional) 
  • EBTB seasoning
  • Pink Himalayan Salt 
  • Vegan butter

First thing you are going to want to do is toast the croissant. Place a slice of the vegan butter into a medium to warm heated pan and leave the croissant flat side down to toast until it reaches a crisp golden color. 

Next, fry the egg in the style of your choice (this recipe used a fried egg, but a sliced boiled egg or scrambled egg would work just as well). Once the egg is semi finished, place the sliced mushrooms into the pan to fry with it. I find this to be most useful on time sensitive mornings.

While the egg and mushrooms is on the stove, start to smear the avocado for the base of the sandwich (or you can totally leave them as chopped cubes). After the avo, you want to place the sliced tomatoes on one slice of the croissant and season with the EBTB (Everything But The Bagel) seasoning on the other. 

Love, KHG. 

Serving size: 1

Total time: 12-15 minutes

Lastly, once the egg and mushrooms are good to go, lay them on a bed of greens placed on either one of the croissant slices and before you know it… your breakfast croissant is ready to enjoy!

Cut in half and top to your liking. Pure maple syrup goes well with this recipe!

Super simple right, that’s it for now beautiful earthlings… until next time we are in the kitchen!